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National Parks of Taiwan


Baby Taiwan macaque attacked by pet dog; public urged not to bring pets into the mountains


On March 7, the Shoushan National Nature Park Headquarters received multiple reports that on March 6, a baby Taiwanese macaque had been attacked by a pet dog brought by visitors near the North Shoushan Central Pavilion. This caused the baby to be abandoned by its troop due to severe injuries to the hands and chest. The baby macaque was found by caring climbers and taken to a veterinarian hospital, but is still not out of danger.

Shoushan National Nature Park Headquarters welcomes people to visit the mountain, but must firmly urge that visitors to Shoushan and Mount Banping not bring their pets up the mountain. This not only protects the health and safety of wild animals in the mountains, but also protects the health and safety of pets. Let us protect these beautiful mountains and its wildlife together.