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National Parks of Taiwan


We Want You as Our CSI Scientist!


The Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park and the Marine National Park Headquarters have co-hosted 6 "Children's CSI Scientist Eco-Camp" on July 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, and 19, 2018 respectively. The camp allows children to experience first-hand and up-close the life and ecosystem around us using CSI methods, and to further ponder the relationship between human activity and nature.

This year's event requires the young CSI scientists and the adult volunteers to investigate damages around the park from unknown sources. The children learn how to identify the features of the suspect and try to find the culprit behind environment damage. The course will help the children develop a keen sense of observation of our ecosystem and the spirit of teamwork. It also discusses the correlation between urban environment and plant growth. They are designed to help improve the children's ecological conservation knowledge and skills, and allow the children to protect our natural environment with personal action.


We Want You as Our CSI Scientist!
We Want You as Our CSI Scientist!