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National Parks of Taiwan


Kenting National Park has Made Great Progress on Conducting the World’s First Migration Tracking on Chinese Goshawk


Kenting National Park Headquarters hired the Raptor Research Group of Taiwan in conducting the “2016 ‘Kenting National Park Project on the Survey Migratory Raptors Population Size in Autumn and the Satellite Tracking of Chinese Goshawks’”.

The project successfully attached satellite transmitters on 1 male adult Chinese goshawk (Accipiter soloensis), two female adult Chinese goshawks and 3 chicks on 2016 when they are returning north at spring and heading south, in which they are named from “Kenting 1” to “Kenting 6”. As a result, we have discovered one “north returning route from Kenting, Taiwan to Shandong, China”, one “south migrating route from Shandong, China to the Philippines” and 5 south migrating routes from Taiwan to the Philippines and Indonesia. We have initially obtained information on parts of their migration route, stopping, winter passing, and the type of habitat they choose for breeding.

Currently, all six satellite transmitters have lost their signal after the Chinese goshawks reached the Philippines and Indonesia for summer. We expect that we can reclaim the satellite signals after they return north in mid-March and enclose the mystery on their migration.