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National Parks of Taiwan


2023 Taijiang National Park Crab Protection Survey Records 8,604 Brown Land Crabs, Showing Significant Achievement

The Taijiang National Park Headquarters held the 2023 Crab Protection Work Achievement Presentation, inviting crab protection volunteers who participated in this year’s crab conservation work, partners of the Land Crab Conservation Alliance, related organizations, and the general public to attend this event.

To protect the precious land crab resources and reduce the risk of human capture and roadkill, the Taijiang National Park Headquarters have recruited and trained crab protection volunteers so that members of the public who care about the land crab habitat can participate in crab protection work, such as crab monitoring and surveys, night patrols, and traffic control. This year, during the crab protection traffic control, sections of the flood control road inside the park along Qingcaolun Embankment was closed off. During which, a total of 6,654 brown land crabs were surveyed and recorded. This number far exceeds the 3,945 egg-carrying female crabs recorded last year during the traffic control period. With the hard work of the crab protection volunteers and the Seventh Special Police Corps (7SPC), mother crabs were able to successfully release their young into the sea, giving rise to a thriving crab population.

In the future, the crab protection work will continue to conduct more environmental education to deepen the community’s participation in conservation, as well as adopting the OECMs model of governance to realize the global biodiversity targets of 30x30 initiative.