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Trial of Bicycle Entry into the East Branch of Dalu Forest Rd. to Add Value to the Branch

For conservation of natural resources and providing more diverse ways to explore the National Park while taking into account the viewpoints and suggestions by local tribes, the Shei-Pa National Park Headquarters started a trial of bicycle entry (excluding electrical bicycles) into the East Branch of Dalu Forest Rd. of the Guanwu Area on May 20, 2022. The registration can be conducted online by scanning the QR code on site. Entry is allowed between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The trial will last for a year for results gathering and rolling management.

Bikers should have their own riding gear, including safety helmets, tools for patching tires, personal safety equipment and food. Bikers should also inspect their gear and bicycles, and fulfill other relevant bikers' responsibilities. Entering the East Branch and climbing the Dabajian Mountain by bike instead of by foot may entail risks of neck injuries from riding bicycles while carrying a load and of bicycle theft when parking in the Forest Rd.

Visitors should understand that they would be entering local aboriginal people's traditional territory and that the co-existence between the mountain and the aboriginal people is essential for the conservation of the mountain. Visitors should respect everything around them.

Trial of Bicycle Entry into the East Branch of Dalu Forest Rd. to Add Value to the Branch
Trial of Bicycle Entry into the East Branch of Dalu Forest Rd. to Add Value to the Branch